Miriam Subbiah


Miriam Subbiah

Miriam Subbiah

Seattle, WA


Born in Vermont and now living on the West Coast — my photographs document the environments and people around me. I live in Seattle during the week and spend every weekend outside of the city, hiking, camping and snowboarding. 

I care about achieving environmentally and socially responsible business results through creative work. I believe environmental and social change go hand-in-hand, and I seek out partnerships with brands that use their business to create momentum in these areas. I am usually found wearing crazy patterns, eating vegan donuts, and snapping photos when no one else is looking.

CLIENTS: Nau // KAVU // Sunskis // She Explores // Proof Eyewear // Solmate Socks // Eureka! // Topo Designs // Jungmaven // Skida


Follow @MiriamSubbiah

photographer & creative director

Seattle, WA